Comprehensive Guide for DatabaseFileRecovery DBF Recovery Tool

Step-1: Install and Run Tool

Start the DatabseFileRecovery DBF Recovery Tool as an administrator on your computer.

step 1
Step-2: Select DBF File

Click on the Open button to select the DBF file and add it to the software wizard.

step 2
Step-3: Add DBF File

Once you have added the DBF file, you can see the path on your screen.

step 3
Step-4: Load Schema

You can also load the schema from another DBF file by clicking on the Browse path button. Click the OK button.

step 4
Step-5: Preview the DBF File

The scanning process of the added corrupt DBF is completed, click OK. Now, preview the details of the specific folder by double-clicking on it.

step 5
Step-6: Save Recovered File

Click on the Save button to download the recovered data of the DBF file.

step 6
Step-7: Specify Destination

Use the Browse button to select the destination path for the output folder and click on OK.

step 7
Step-8: Define Saving Format

Choose the saving format, either MDB or DBF of the recovered DBF file.

step 8
Step-9: Continue Process

Choose the saving format, either MDB or DBF of the recovered DBF file.

step 9
Step-10: Complete the Process

After the saving process is completed, click on the OK button and exit from the software.

step 10