Start the DatabaseFileRecovery Access Database Recovery Software as an administrator on your computer.
Click on the Open button to add the MS Access Database files.
Browse (...) the Access Database files (MDB or ACCDB) that you want to add. Click Open.
Choose Standard Mode, if your access file is less corrupted, and Advanced Mode, if your access database files are severely corrupted.
The software also offers you an option to select a file version according to your added file.
Opt for these if you want:
Wait for the scanning process to be completed for the selected files; click OK.
Select the recovered folders that you need to download in the tree structure.
You can also preview the further details of a specific table by double-clicking the particular field.
Now, click on the Save button at the top bar to download the recovered items.
Select the location for the output folder where you want to save the output folder. Click the OK button to start the saving process.
Finally, the repaired MDB or ACCDB files get saved at your defined location.